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I am looking forward to share my journey with you .

Welcome! I am so glad you are here!

I am Téo van der Weele and I have worked for the last 40 years with severely traumatized people. I found they have a special type of worldview shaped by their past. It is like colored glasses… read more

Téo van der Weele erzählt uns aus seinem Leben und seiner Lebensreise.

Téo van der Weele vertelt ons over zijn leven en zijn reis.

 This website will provide you with news and updates, I am telling you about my journey in “my story“. Of course, I am always happy to hear from you via the contact form



My latest news and updates: 

Blog 4: My quest for spiritual covering

Blog 4: My quest for spiritual covering

Returning home in 1975   I started working with Open Doors, a ministry that worked in Eastern Europe, smuggling Bibles. Together with Jan Pit, We went once to Budapest. We had written travel instructions where we would have to deliver our Bibles. Driving with a...